
Sleepy Mause Bedding

You might be thinking…”I’m not going to sleep in my bed with a mouse in it!”. But this is more of a friend than a mouse. Like a really close friend with big attentive eyes. And if they close once in a while, his eyes, you will notice his big beautiful eye lashes. (But that rarely happens). Mause has extremely big eyes, so that he can watch over you as you sleep, at all times.


All bedding comes in three sizes: Baby: 100 x 70 cm / 45 x 40 cm - Junior: 140 x 100 cm / 45 x 40 cm - Single: 200 x 140 cm / 63 x 60 cm
Printed 100% cotton with zipper at bottom of duvet
Sleepy Mause Bedding
Sleepy Mause Bedding